
Managed service

Cyber awareness training & phishing simulations

Test how your employees would respond to a real phishing attack without the real consequences. By leveraging email and landing page templates mimicking those observed in genuine attack campaigns, you can gather valuable insights that will help you combat user awareness issues.

Virtual cyber security


Create unparalleled access control across users and devices, all while maintaining peak performance – which traditional VPNs often do not. Provide remote, conditional, and contextual access to resources and minimise risk associated with over-privileged and third-party access.

24/7 threat vulnerability management

Service and technology that provides management and visibility of all your system vulnerabilities. Not just for your onpremise based IT estate, but also for remote users, and even cloudbased assets, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). 



Bridge the gap by combining extended visibilty, detection, and response (XDR) technology, with a 24/7 security operations centre (SOC). This holistic approach to cyber security pulls the individual aspects of your organisation's security into a single pane-of-glass view and makes it easier than ever before to enhance security posture.

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