
Why us?

Overcome common security challenges

Cyber security, risk and compliance. We all know it's incredibly important, not only to protect your organisation but also to meet compliance mandates. But where do you start? When speaking with organisations, we often hear three common challenges. We're here to advise and support every step of the way. Whether you're looking for strategy advice, technology or a complete managed service, we have the knowledge, expertise and partnerships to help.


Most organisations are unaware of how their current security and risk posture measures against industry standards. Without this baseline knowledge it is impossible to efficiently direct resources.


Implementing the correct technology can be overwhelming due to the amount of vendors, solutions and services. Organisations can spend thousands taking them in the wrong direction.


Organisations and IT teams do not have the resources or budget to hire skilled cyber security personnel internally to execute a security strategy. Cyber security responsibility can often be grey.

Why select Securilix as your technology partner?

Most organisations are unaware of how their current cyber security and risk posture measures against industry standards. Without this baseline knowledge it can be difficult to build an effective plan, onboard new technologies, and deliver a winning strategy.

✓ Over 30 years' experience delivering successful security solutions
✓ Extensive network of leading technology partners
✓ Proven success delivering security solutions to all industries
✓ Our strategy is guided by NIST and other governing bodies
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Cutting-edge technology and trusted partnerships

To successfully manage risk, you first need to understand it. Our next-generation security partners allow us to assess the current cyber maturity across your organisation, cross referencing against the industries most respected frameworks. Our platform provides us with a visualisation of the outcome, with an intuitive risk register for us to remediate against, enabling you to constantly maintain and improve your cyber security risk and compliance posture.

Over 30+ years industry expertise & knowledge

With over 30+ years of security expertise, our team bring extensive knowledge in designing, implementing, and managing information security programs to protect your organisation's assets. Data led by our industry leading technology, we work closely with your team to identify and mitigate security risks, develop security policies and procedures, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Industry frameworks 

We utilise multiple industry standards and frameworks to assess your current environment and build your strategy, dependent on your requirements;


ISO 27001

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials+


CIS 18 Critical Security Controls


70+ others where required

Partnerships you can rely on 

We work with a number of leading technology partners to ensure you get the best solutions, everytime.

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