
Use cases

The benefits of a security partner


Accurate knowledge & visibility

We help provide clear visibility over your current cyber risk and compliance posture, while leveraging our industry specific knowledge and expertise. Your organisation may not have a dedicated risk or security team – we work as a cohesive unit to empower the existing IT function.


Cybercrime cost saving

The cost of cybercrime to business was 8.2 trillion dollars in 2022. It is expected to surpass 11 trillion dollars in 2023. Businesses that are reliant on outdated solutions or don’t have the appropriate security systems and technology in place will quickly become targets. 


Board advisory & compliance

We produce quality data to help gain board level sponsorship when improving security posture, reducing risk and becoming compliant. We help meet changing legal standards and regulations, prepare for audits, reduce insurance cost, win contracts and meet industry frameworks.


Systems, process & policies

We help to create a solid security programme and establish processes based on facts, evidence and goals. We help improve efficiency and accountability when handling cyber threats and vulnerabilities using governance, operations, technology and metrics. 


Reliable and thorough

We help identify and nullify internal and external cyber risk factors, including hacker breaches and natural disasters, users lack of cyber and IT knowledge, rogue/ex employees moving intellectual property, system failure, infrastructure and system vulnerabilities, non-compliance etc. 


Independent & impartial advice

We are external consultants that treat your organisation's security as a priority. We're here to help build a roadmap and strategy towards meeting defined outcomes and desired destinations, so you’re able to direct resources more responsibly and efficiently.​

2024 Service Catalogue

Industry frameworks 

We utilise multiple industry standards and frameworks to assess your current environment and build your strategy, dependent on your requirements;


ISO 27001

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials+


CIS 18 Critical Security Controls


Others where required

Our three-step process

1. Discovery


The way to map a client's security journey is to assess their current position, and understand what their desired destination is. It’s important we understand your requirements and drivers, so we can direct our efforts and resources in the correct areas.

2. GAP


We conduct a GAP analysis using various industry frameworks dependent on your objectives, against your current security systems, processes and controls to establish your baseline. As part of the report, we provide low, medium and high risk vulnerabilities to provide you with instant value and insightful data.

3. Security


Our team will create a strategic and bespoke security programme based on your desired outcomes, with a clear success criteria and roadmap. We define short term goals with immediate improvements, in conjunction with a longer, more bespoke plan based on your requirements.

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